
Saturday, March 26

Happy 28th Anniversary to my Parents!

Today, my parents will celebrate their 28th wedding anniversary! I just edited their picture using and here it is. 

Also, when I was reading my book, 365 Moments to Cherish, I was able to read a list of ten commandments and I better share it to everyone. It was an article written by Abigail Van Burren, here it is. 

Ten Commandments for a Successful Marriage
1. Put your mate before your mother, your father, your son and your daughter, for your mate is your lifelong companion.
2. Do not abuse your body with excessive food, tobacco or drink, so that your life may be long and healthy, in the presence of those you love.
3. Do not permit your business or your hobby to make you a stranger to your children, for the most precious gift a parent can give his or her family is time.
4. Do not forget that cleanliness is a virtue.
5. Do not make your mate a beggar, but willingly share with him or her your worldly goods.
6. Remember to say, ``I love you.`` For even though your love may be constant, your mate yearns to hear those words.
7. Remember always that the approval of your mate is worth more than the admiring glances of a hundred strangers, so remain faithful and loyal to your mate, and forsake all others.
8. Keep your home in good repair, for out of it come the joys of old age. 
9. Forgive with grace. For who among us does not need to be forgiven?
10. Honor the Lord your God all the days of your life, and your children will grow up and bless you.

I hope you had some insights and was able to get some advices from Abigail on her list of the ten commandments. 

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