
Tuesday, March 26

Happy "Pearl" Wedding Anniversary, Mom & Dad!

I may not be the perfect child or perfect son that you're looking for but I know for sure that I'm so thankful for having the greatest parents in the world. You're not the perfect parents that a child could ask but for me, you're the right parents for me and for my two sisters, Vanya & Nicole. We really appreciate the little things you gave and will give to us. For being so protective and those advices that we have instilled in our minds. Thank you so much! 

Happy "Pearl" Wedding Anniversary, Mom and Dad! 

My Parents, Modesto Jr. and Edna!

Friday, March 22

Happy Birthday, Mom!

To the first woman that I love, thank you so much for the blessings that you have given. For the tender love and care you shared with me. I really owe you big time, mom. Thank you as well for bringing me in this world and to share it with everyone. Happy Birthday, Mama!

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